Assessment Terms and Conditions

CST General Terms and Conditions for Clinical Assessments


The process of assessment is to determine whether the client presents with sufficient features of a developmental condition to warrant a diagnosis for a neurodevelopmental condition such as Autism or ADHD.

The assessment process includes all interviews, questionnaires, psychometric testing, respondent information and historical information pertinent to the assessment for the purposes of achieving a helpful and meaningful outcome.

Frequency and Duration of Appointments

The duration of the appointments will depend on the type of difficulties or issues the client is facing, and what condition they wish to be investigated for.

For all diagnostic assessments it is necessary for a brief screening assessment to be performed prior to any further assessment.  The purpose of this is to determine whether further assessment is warranted.  The outcome of this will be explained and detailed in an outcome assessment.

Comprehensive clinical diagnostic assessment of neurodevelopmental conditions can vary in time and complexity and are decided upon a case-by-case basis.  The outline and plan of assessment will be agreed upon approximately, and any additional elements explained and agreed as the assessment continues.

For ADHD assessments it is customary to complete a clinical interview using tools including the Brown’s ADD Scales and DIVA-5.0.  Following this, a psychometric test of attention is usually completed; this is then fed back in an assessment feedback appointment.  Any completed questionnaires, background and respondent information, as well as available school reports will also be considered and explored.  Aspects of these will be included where appropriate and helpful to aid to the assessment.

For Autism assessments, it is necessary to complete a clinical interview using the Adult Asperger’s Assessment which includes scores from the Autism and Empathy Quotients.  Following this, a further clinical interview is conducted with a respondent who has ideally known the client since they were a child using the Diagnostic Interview for Social and Communication Disorders.  A third and final meeting is then arranged in order to feedback the outcome of assessment.  Again, any completed questionnaires, background and respondent information, as well as available school reports will also be considered and explored.  Aspects of these will be included where appropriate and helpful to aid to the assessment.

In any feedback meeting, the outcome is confirmed and explained, and there will be discussion of possible follow-up options as well.

We have initially agreed on the above schedule, and an outline of costs has been discussed.


The full diagnostic assessment standard packages for both Autism and ADHD are listed in the website page:

It may be necessary for additional assessment work to be carried out which will occur an additional cost.  If this is necessary, this will of course be discussed with the clientbefore going ahead.

For diagnostic assessments, an initial balance of £500 to be paid either by cash, bank transfer or debit and credit cards by the start of any assessment.  The initial fee is due before the main assessment interview (bank transfers must be received before meetings).  The balance of payment will be indicated at the feedback session and will need to be paid before receipt of the final report.

The assessment is charged on an hourly rate at £110/hour (including tax).  The hours are calculated in 15-minute units.  Therefore a 65 minute appointment will be charged as one hour and 15 minutes, for example.

Payment can be made by cash, bank transfer, or debit and credit card payments and must be given before the start of each session.  If for any reason a client has not paid for a session then they will not be able to attend any more sessions until this has been rectified.

Cancellation Policy

If a client needs to cancel any sessions, the client will need to give at least 48 hours’ notice.  Cancelling sessions within less than 48 hours will incur 50% of the appointment fee.  Appointments cancelled with less than 24 hours’ notice will require full payment to be made.

The aim of the psychologist is to give clients as much notice as possible of any holidays, training workshops, conferences or illness that might prevent them from being available at the time of sessions.  In such cases, an alternative arrangement will be agreed.


All appointments will be handled with the utmost confidentiality.  All notes and other related records will be kept securely and safely, stored for seven years before being destroyed, and will not be shared with others unless the client gives permission for us to do so.

As part of standard professional standards, some of the work undertaken with the psychologist will be discussed in Clinical Supervision with a fully qualified and senior Clinical Supervisor and again all notes are kept confidential and secure.

Where confidential information may be required to be passed on to a third-party, which will be restricted to a minimum, the client will be fully informed of this and will need to have given their consent.

Exceptions to Confidentiality

In certain circumstances it may be necessary to make exceptions to the general rules of confidentiality:

  1. If the psychologist strongly feels there is a serious risk of harm to the client or others.
  2. Where the psychologist is unable to contact the client but suspects they are in danger and may need to undertake actions to ensure your safety.
  3. Where there is a legal requirement to disclose information. This could be because it has been ordered by a court, or because the law requires this.

In most cases any exceptions will be discussed with the client beforehand wherever possible.

Notes and Record Keeping

Our policy is to keep minimum notes and records for a maximum of seven years.  The information we do store includes:

  • Personal information, such as your name, date of birth, address etc…
  • Background information that may be relevant to the therapy process.
  • Your signed contract with us.
  • Confidential case notes (describing the main focus of the session with any important and relevant information).
  • Information for service evaluation and statistical purposes.

The clientcan request in writing to view information held about the clientand a summary will be made available where appropriate.

Influence of alcohol or substances

Appointments will not take place with anyone who is under the influence of any intoxicating substances that will in anyway present a risk or affect the therapeutic relationship.

Outcome of Assessment

Whilst the aim is to offer a helpful service to all clients, there are times when clients may question aspects or the entire assessment outcome.  The aim of assessment is not only to consider a diagnosis, but to give a diagnostic outcome which explains the differences identified during the process.  The client will not be accepted for the full assessment unless the traits the client and respondents report reach a reasonable threshold / level of perceived neuro-developmental features.  Following the formal assessment, this may then lead to a diagnosis or at least clarification of whether the full criteria are met or not.

The ultimate aim is for the outcome to be meaningful and helpful and measures will be taken to ensure this happens wherever possible.



David A. Walton BSc MSc APDCP, is a Principal Counselling Psychologist, registered with the Heath and Care Professionals Council and adheres to their professional standards and code of ethics.  The HCPC can be contacted on 0300 500 6184.  David A. Walton is also fully insured by Howden professional indemnity insurance (01924 241 945 –